Foredrag & Workshops
I mine foredrag og workshops går jeg i dybden med emner, hvor jeg har passion og ekspertise. Alt kan tilpasses til dine behov, hvadenten du er en virksomhed eller en gruppe, der vil blive klogere. Alt efter ønske arbejder jeg alene eller sammen med partnere, og kan arbejde online eller hvor du ønsker. Du er velkommen til at maile eller bestille et opkald, så kan vi tale om, hvad behovet er.
A free chat over the phone to understand your needs
Learn the 5 steps to how you become sustainable from the inside and ou...
Please enquireLearn to build your physical health through nutrition, exercise and t...
Please enquireLearn breathwork to bridge the mind and the body and circulate energy
Please enquireLearn neuro training and meditation to process sensory information and...
Please enquireGo beyond ordinary thinking and connect to your higher intellect to he...
Please enquireUsing nature as your guide, enter a new awareness of yourself and the ...
Please enquireNeuro Training is an eye-opener, if you wish to make serious change.
Please enquireIn this talk, we learn how to incorporate a sustainable mindset.
Please enquireWe look at holistic and practical ways to live a life with less waste
Please enquireLearn the 5 steps to how you become sustainable from the inside and ou...
Please enquireLearn to build your physical health through nutrition, exercise and t...
Please enquireLearn to use breathwork to bridge the mind and the body and circulate...
Please enquireLearn neuro training and meditation to process sensory information and...
Please enquireGo beyond ordinary thinking and connect to your higher intellect to he...
Please enquireUsing nature as your guide, enter a new awareness of yourself and the ...
Please enquireHow your workplace will unite with a holistic approach
Få et gratis tilbud
Fortæl mig dine behov, og jeg skræddersyr gerne et foredrag og/eller en workshop inden for et af mine specialeområder